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XD Dongfang, thank you for the A2A. I empathize with your position. I intend to review your paper on ResearchGate if possible. In European fiction, an English writer with the pseudonym of George Orwell wrote the book, 1984. Society is controlled by BIG BROTHER. The father of Alexander the Great is Philip of Macedon. Philip conquered and controlled all of the city-states of ancient Greece except Sparta. He said that he conquered more city-states simply by bribing the gatekeeping crew than by storming over the defensive walls. There are other people beside yourself with claims that could change the scientific world (I am one of them). Some are members of the Quora community.
XD Dongfang, you must understand a sad and unfortunate political reality. Within the Quora community are scientists with PhDs who can review your paper. Even if they agree with you, they must remain silent for the sake of their families. A professor wrote his autobiography and he describes the political landscape, the political wars and the political consequence. Cyrus H. Gordon wrote A SCHOLAR’S ODYSSEY (pardon my ;misspellling).
May your gods of fortune smile upon you.

IP属地:广东1楼2024-04-21 20:21回复

    IP属地:广东2楼2024-04-21 20:21