7欢迎各位朋友们来到认证吧,请认真、耐心的阅读以下条目。 一、【吧内严禁】 1.严禁在吧内连续发布广告,对于不听劝告者,发生任何问题,与本吧无任何关系 2.严禁在吧内发表反动,淫秽,有煽动性的帖子 3. 严禁对写作者进行人身攻击! 4.严禁恶意灌水(这也是百度明令禁止的,详见贴吧公告) 5.有对本吧污蔑,刻意破坏,封号。 6.有吧友对吧内活动恶意捣乱,杯葛吧务,无理取闹,刻意给吧务组制造麻烦,封禁。 7.严禁在吧内发布不符合本吧氛围的帖子
4Significance and Use 3.1 This classification scheme defines the type of motions, skills, or tools required for a particular type of child-resistant package and provides examples of current packaging within that type. 3.2 Reference to a particular package in this classification is not intended in any manner to denote endorsement or approval of the package by ASTM. 3.3 Packages have been included as examples based on manufacturers' claims of child-resistance. Child-resistant package functionality for any specific product type must be determined by the packager/manufacturer following the guid