张弘儒吧 关注:23贴子:2,642
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看我这样过得了六级不,已经完全能装老外了,不过对很多语法不了解啊Anyway, I have never tested my example ability.BTW if you want to improve both your english speaking and written abilities ,you can connect to me 。in fact,i don't care about the set 6. it's. just a deploma which is useless for me to be so entangled with the grammar such as subordinate clauses with the that and which. that is a exam–oriented education, I hate it totally.
what is the most important thing is proficient .proficient can come out the skill. if you have a brilliant environment which is chat and ues english everyday, you can get a great progress immediatly,I study english not for sroces but for realistic communications.I didn't do any tests because I dislike them but I can master english, I chat with mass quantity of foreigners everyday in Facebook, Skype. qq international, vk and so on instead of do a large amount of meaninglessnesses and insignificances .I read wikipeida Google Yahoo rather than from the books and brashbrain things because of this undemocratic government.

IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端1楼2014-11-20 01:03回复
    at all times you can chat with me,a studying slag is also able to challenge a academic tyrant. in my opinion, all above all are relative, nobody can be perfect, we should respect and study each other so that we can be successful by. our cooperation

    IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端2楼2014-11-20 01:10
      老张,now that ,you need to counterattack me quickly

      IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端3楼2014-11-20 01:11
        I know quite little about its rules, I study it like my mother tongue .so I dare not to pledge I can pass the set 6.

        IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端4楼2014-11-20 01:16
          and, does 哈工大 have many Russian and slav girls as the outside says, how I yearn for get I slav gf

          IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端5楼2014-11-20 01:18