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Activity background
In recent years, more and more people of tuberculosis, we took it for a year of lung was increased tens of thousands of people, a dramatic increase trend can not help people to make a world without nuclear weapons with hair standing on end, the road is far and far.
"But I know the rest of life, every family, every child, away from tuberculosis, away from illness. It is not a slogan, but not a goal of a group, but a common goal for all volunteers.
In the days of illness, we have more or less been discriminated against, whether in life or work, whether strangers, or relatives. We have also felt the pain of others because of the confusion.
I think everyone here wants to be understood and supported, because it's not our fault, but it's not their fault. Because most people are only aware of tuberculosis in the last century: infectious, dead.
Therefore, we need to promote the common sense of tuberculosis, in order to achieve the goal of nuclear free world, in order not to be discriminated against, in order to get the support of friends and relatives. So we need every patient, every member, even our relatives and friends to join us. Let more people know about tuberculosis prevention and treatment knowledge correctly and treat TB patients.
It is understood that the majority of young people with tuberculosis, accounting for about 55% of the patients, and more than 90% of young people who will be through the network to understand a variety of news and other knowledge. So I propose to start from the network publicity. The following is my personal plan of promotional activities, such as the small partners through the words then please notify each other to allow more people to participate in our activities.
Now; with the development of industry, the deterioration of the environment, now tuberculosis and an upward trend, showing a diversified, complicated, young form of the development and spread of authoritative data show that now every 2000 people have a TB carriers, the incidence rate of up to ten percent, and the emergence of drug resistance, multi drug resistance. Concurrent multiple organ.
Every March 24th World TB Day campaign, aimed at improving the understanding of the world and the burden of TB in TB prevention and nursing work status, it is also a political and social commitment to mobilize, to make further progress in the machine will stop TB efforts.
2017 was the second year of the campaign to unite and eliminate tuberculosis. This year, the World Health Organization will pay special attention to the joint efforts that no one is left behind ", including discrimination, marginalization and overcome obstacles to access to care and other actions.
The United Nations sustainable development goals include ensuring that no one is left behind in the world to change and improve people's lives in the process. To solve the disadvantaged and marginalized groups, the health system and the health of people can not demand means to improve everyone access to health services, which is indispensable for achieving the goal of tuberculosis was terminated in 2030, which is a part of TB strategy on sustainable development of the United Nations and the World Health Organization target.
World Tuberculosis Day for the affected people and communities, civil society organizations, health care providers, policy makers, development partners and other people provide a platform for advocacy, discussion and planning further cooperation, to ensure access to all quality TB prevention and care services, and through multi sectoral development efforts to achieve the prevention and control of tuberculosis.
Countries are also very concerned about this matter. In 2016 324, the eve of the tuberculosis propaganda and a special program in Beijing honyaradoh, world tuberculosis propaganda master Peng Liyuan, Chinese Wei Planning Commission, Beijing municipal government, Beijing chest, and millions of tuberculosis outstanding volunteers, on-the-spot recording, spread of tuberculosis knowledge, advocate the prevention of tuberculosis, TB elimination of discrimination. Full participation, prevention and control of tuberculosis.
My lungs. Three consecutive excellent group award, 2016 324 TB awareness day together with the Inner Mongolia branch of Liu Xianliang to our team, Qingdao chest, Qingdao CDC, Weihai CDC team held a variety of activities, in the local, have full participation, intended to prevent tuberculosis.
This year Chinese Planning Commission response WHO issued the call of tuberculosis control program in 13th Five-Year..
The year 2017 is the slogan: combine to eliminate tuberculosis: that no one is left behind "Unite to End TB: Leave no one behind" in response to China disease control and WHO's call, carry out all the people involved in the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis, TB elimination of discrimination, and actively guide the new, correct understanding of tuberculosis, tuberculosis understanding knowledge, carry out public participation the atmosphere, according to the prevention and control of tuberculosis. Let more people know about tuberculosis, tuberculosis, care and help TB patients. Special tuberculosis campaign,
Active participant. Around and around; patients, volunteers, and related organizations, CDC
In the way; around with their own time, with a reasonable form, to point to a line, the participation of the whole society to wire netting situation, to cure the patient, identity of practical environment, establish good treatment in the community, hospital, school. Close to the base. Into the middle of the patient, to carry out the participation of the people, the way of off-site transfer. (the elimination of tuberculosis, is everyone's signature). Campaign for knowledge of tuberculosis. Through a variety of network channels to transmit tuberculosis knowledge. Such as: micro-blog, blog, talk about, stick, etc.. Signature banners transfer, so that more people involved, really do

1楼2017-03-03 21:13回复