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1楼2017-03-29 18:06回复
    Tell us more about the upcoming changes in game economy!
    The in-game progression speed and economy won’t fundamentally change. The only noticeable update is the change of the spotting damage rewarding. Earlier, all damage done to the spotter’s target counted towards his spotting damage reward. In Update 0.19, only the damage from those team mates who are not spotting the target themselves, will count towards the reward. Statistically speaking, this change should not have any major impact on overall income.
    A:不会有什么实质性的改动,唯一值得一提的是点亮伤害收益的变化。之前,被点亮目标所受到的所有伤害都会被算作是点亮者的点亮伤害。而在0.19里,只有未点亮目标的队友所造成的伤害会被计算【Scenario: 红军某辆Term.2首先点亮了一辆蓝军的咸鱼1A2,随后某红军高达向前推进并与该咸鱼1A2互亮,这时高达对咸鱼1A2造成的伤害是不会算入Term.2的点亮伤害的】。从统计数据上来说,该改动不会对整体收益造成太大的影响。
    The penetration of the Begleitpanzer 57 is 190mm and its damage per minute is as high as 17000 (with the rate of fire of 200 RPM). Isn’t that too much?
    Yes, the problem is that with its current rate of fire, the 57mm Bofors gun can deal 5520 damage in 15 seconds. That is too much and it’s clear that we need to address the situation. On the other hand, we do want to preserve its extremely powerful rapid-fire cannon gameplay style. That is why in Update 0.19, the Begleitpanzer will keep its penetration, high rate of fire and damage, but it will receive a reduced magazine for 20 shells with 8 second magazine reload time. It will, however, get the ability to only partially reload the magazine before firing. Its total damage per minute will be considerably reduced, but the vehicle will keep its ability to deal a lot of damage in a very short period of time.
    Q:Begleitpanzer 57的穿深有190mm,而DPM达到了恐怖的17000(在射速200RPM的情况下)。这是不是太高了呢?

    2楼2017-03-29 18:07
      Will you be adding French tanks? They are as important as the British and German tanks for the post-war armor development!
      Yes, there will be a full French line added in the future, from AMX-13 to the latest Leclerc series, including the 140mm Leclerc T4 “Terminateur”. When it comes to gameplay, the line will be quite distinctive.
      A:是的,我们会在未来加一条完整的法棍线,从早期的AMX-13到最新的勒克莱尔系列,包括搭载140mm炮的勒克莱尔T4 “终结者”。在游戏中,这条线将会有自己的特色。
      What are the plans for Battalion content?
      Update 0.19 will bring the first full “Lords of War” season with added Battalion content. The work on “Battalion Wars” also continues – when we are happy with its state, we will introduce it to players. We do not, however, currently have any time estimate to share.

      3楼2017-03-29 18:08
        Are you planning to add more PvP maps?
        We are – both brand new PvP maps and existing PvP maps modified for the Global Operations mode.

        4楼2017-03-29 18:10
          The description of kinetic shells in the game says that their muzzle velocity is 1200 m/s. Such a shell should be able to cross 400 meters in 0.33 seconds, but the shells are flying much slower in the game. Are there any plans to remedy that?
          In Update 0.19, almost all shells will receive their real muzzle velocity, both in description and in the game. As a result, the shell type choice will play a more significant role, for example when deciding what shell to use against a fast-moving target. The ballistic difference between various types of guns will be more noticeable as well.
          A:在0.19中,几乎所有炮弹的标注初速以及实际表现都会和现实一致【125mm 2A82 Railgun w/ Vacuum II = 2050m/s】。因此,对弹种的选择也会变得更加重要。不同火炮之间的弹道差异也会更加明显。
          Will you add new sounds?
          Yes, we are planning to improve the sound effects in one of the upcoming updates. Update 0.19 will bring some crew voiceover changes and we are also planning to update the engine sounds.
          Are you planning to scrap the entire “shell damage is based on caliber” principle and move more towards gun’s muzzle energy?
          As we announced earlier, the shell damage will not be tied only to the caliber, but also to the shell properties. For example, for kinetic shells, the following parameters will be taken into account:
          Penetrator material
          Muzzle velocity
          As a result, the damage will not only depend on gun’s caliber, but it will also reflect the shell quality and technology. The first of these changes will be available in Update 0.19.
          That’s it for today, we’ll see you on the battlefield!

          5楼2017-03-29 18:11

            IP属地:广东来自Android客户端7楼2017-03-29 19:20

              IP属地:河北8楼2017-03-29 21:17

                IP属地:山东来自Android客户端9楼2017-03-30 05:32