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1楼2017-06-23 06:04回复
    Near Istanbul, June 29 2039
    The journey across Bulgaria was mostly uneventful with Sokolov’s influence buying them enough time to reach Istanbul in one piece. Now, the City of Mercenaries stood before them in all its glory.
    Seagrove was fascinated by the striking contrast between the outskirts poverty and the wealth of the downtown skyline, millions of lights turning even the darkest night into day even as the outlying areas drowned in darkness.
    Such was the wealth of corporations, he thought, as he sat on a rock near his tank, admiring the sunrise. The first sun’s crimson reflecting on the towers of glass and metal made it look like the entire horizon was on fire.
    It was a breathtaking sight, yet Seagrove’s mind was racing with worries. The truth was that it was a miracle they made it this far. His combat leadership combined with Sokolov’s contacts brought them here, but the near future depended on Blackwood’s ability to secure the passage in a city full of hostile corporations that now considered them outlaws. Direct violence was prohibited within the city limits and the city itself acted as a safe haven to all but the worst of criminals, but Blackwood’s and Sokolov’s skills would be tested to the limit to keep them from obtaining that particular brand.
    He nearly jumped in surprise when Sokolov suddenly sat next to him with a cup of coffee in his hand. A wide grin appeared on his face as he noticed Seagrove’s discomfort.
    “You should not let anyone sneak up on you, my friend.”
    Seagrove frowned.
    “We’re friends now?”
    Sokolov grinned again.
    “No. It’s just something people say.”
    The grin faded as he patted his pockets. Finally he found a half-empty pack of cigarettes. Methodically, as if it was the most important thing in the world, he pulled one out and lit it with a lighter he stored in the same pack. The acrid smell of low-quality cigarette smoke filled the air. Almost as an afterthought, Sokolov offered the pack to Seagrove, who just shook his head.
    The silence dragged on with both men just admiring the view. Seagrove finally turned towards the other man.
    Sokolov raised his eyebrows in mock surprise.
    “Whatever do you mean?”
    “Why did you join Blackwood? It wasn’t just for the credits.”
    Sokolov turned away, gazing towards the horizon, the cigarette limp on his lips. Seagrove was about to pick himself up and leave, not expecting to receive an answer, but Sokolov gestured for him to stay. When he finally started talking, his response caught Seagrove off-guard.
    “Tell me. What is history?”
    Seagrove frowned, unsure as to what to reply.
    “History is history. Everything that happened.”
    Sokolov smiled.
    “No. History is just a collection of stories people tell. And I happen to like stories. I was there when the Hellhounds fell and when the Remnant took their revenge before retreating east. Good stories, those.”
    “But what does that have to do with us?”
    Sokolov finished smoking his cigarette and looked up, exhaling the last breath of smoke against the ruby sky.
    “I have a feeling your story will be a good one.”
    “不,历史是人们所讲述的故事的集合,而我很喜欢故事。地狱犬衰落的时候,幸存者复仇的时候,我都在那里。那些故事真的很棒。” 【P.S.:第二次Showdown的剧情】

    2楼2017-06-23 06:05
      The Seahawks reached Istanbul by the end of June 2039. Before crossing Bulgaria, they hired the services of an experienced mercenary commander, Fyodor Sokolov, whose influence allowed them to pass through the country relatively unmolested. During the trip, Sokolov shared some of his wisdom but not without testing the Seahawk commander abilities. Are the Seahawks worthy of his services? It’s time to find out.
      From June 22 to July 6 2017, players can complete several objectives to win specific rewards:
      Win 1 battle during the event period to receive 7 days of Premium Time (can be completed once)
      Win 1 battle per day during the event period to receive a Gold Loot Crate (can be completed 14 times for up to 14 Gold Crates)
      Play 3 battles per day during the event period to receive 200,000 Credits (can be completed 12 times for up to 2,400,000 Credits)
      Play 2 battles per day for 12 days during the event period to receive Commander Fyodor Sokolov(can be completed once)
      The objectives can be completed in the following modes:
      PvE Medium
      PvE Hard
      Global Operations
      海鹰特遣队在2039年6月底抵达伊斯坦布尔。在穿越保加利亚之前,他们雇用了一位经验丰富的佣兵,Fyodor Sokolov,他的影响力帮助海鹰避免了不少麻烦。在途中,Sokolov分享了他的智慧,同时也在考验海鹰指挥层的能力。海鹰是否值得他效力呢?是时候找出答案了。
      ·每天赢得2场战斗,持续12天可获得新车长Fyodor Sokolov(可完成一次)

      3楼2017-06-23 06:08
        Commander Fyodor Sokolov
        Growing up in Petrograd, Fyodor's love of critical thinking manifested as an interest in military tactics. He studied at the Combined Arms Academy of the Arms Forces of the Russian Federation, and upon graduation was appointed as a battalion commander. He became well known during his time commanding tank regiments, with a particular flair for executing flanking maneuvers. Once retired from active service and established as a military advisor, it was only a matter of time before this decorated veteran was recruited by a PMC.
        Commander Skills
        Tier 1:
        Reputation income of the vehicle increased by 10%
        Tier 2:
        Viewrange increased by 20 meters
        Turret traverse speed increased by 10% for 20 seconds after being spotted by the enemy
        Tier 3:
        Crew stats increased by an additional 4%
        Tier 4:
        Crew hitpoints increased by 20%
        Vehicle repair rate improved by 10%
        Tier 5:
        Crew experience gained increased by 10%
        T2:视野增加20米 / 被点亮后20秒内炮塔转速提升10%
        T4:车组生命值增加20% / 载具修理速度提升10%

        4楼2017-06-23 06:10
          Please note:
          The event starts on June 22 at 14:00 CEST (5 AM PDT)
          The event ends on July 6 at 14:00 CEST (5 AM PDT)
          Progress will be available in each player's Profile page
          Any punishment issued by the Support Team for an offense against the game rules within the event time limit will lead to automatic disqualification from the event
          Event rewards will be distributed instantly
          Commander Fyodor Sokolov from the fourth objective will be distributed at the end of the "Time enough for War" event
          Even players who do not participate in the Storyline Campaign can complete this objective
          Any vehicle can be used to complete the Objective (Episode 1 restrictions do not apply)
          ·活动开始于6月22日14:00 CEST(5:00 PDT),结束于7月6日14:00 CEST(5:00 PDT)
          ·新车长Fyodor Sokolov将会在活动结束后发放
          ·未完成Episode 1主线的玩家也可以参与活动
          ·所有载具都可以参与本次活动(没有Episode 1主线的载具限制)

          5楼2017-06-23 06:11
            We hope that you will this event and will see you on the battlefield!

            6楼2017-06-23 06:12