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懒人滴露最后的倔强· ·

IP属地:广东1楼2018-04-27 12:10回复
    AAA Latin American Champion El Hijo Del Fantasma pinned Jake Crist(w/ Dave Crist) after a Forward Roll. Afterwards Dave jumped Fantasma & Fantasma ended up fighting off both until Sami Callahan ran down with the bat & decked Fantasma. OVE unstrapped the mask of Fantasma and the lights went out leading to Pentagon Jr. running out for the save. He cleared both Crists out & stared down Sami who ran away to the back. Fantasma & Pentagon celebrates afterwards.
    AAA拉美冠军紫面以Forward Roll的方式成功战胜Jake Crist。赛后Dave攻击紫面,紫面以一敌二成功击退,却遭受Sami的棒球棒攻击。oVe企图摘下紫面的面具,然后全场灯光暗下,再次亮起时Pentagon出现在擂台之中,成功救场并清场。之后两人一起在台上庆祝。

    IP属地:广东2楼2018-04-27 12:10
      - Grado(w/ Katarina) against Eddie Edwards never starts as Eddie canes Grado & threatens Katarina to leave the ring. Eddie had Sami beaten, bloodied & finally gonna kill Sami & end him once & for all but he ruined it! He has everybody fooled. I wanna expose him as a fraud. Tells Tommy Dreamer to get how fat ass down here. Dreamer comes out to be the voice of reason to the insane Edwards. Asks Tommy if he would change anything he did. Tommy says he is a hippocrit. Why won’t you let me end Sami? Dreamer says to move on. Eddie & Alisha hasn’t spoke in a week. Asks Tommy how he knows. Dreamer is threatened by Edwards. Eddie is knocked down. Eddie canes Dreamer & leaves.
      EE说在PPV上他把Sami打成残血状态并很有可能一劳永逸地终结Sami但是Tommy Dreamer让他错失了这样一个绝好的机会。Tommy Dreamer欺骗了所有人,他要揭露Tommy Dreamer的骗子身份,然后召唤Dreamer。
      【Katarina即是前TNA女子KO组冠军Winter,WWE曾用名Katie Lea Burchill】

      IP属地:广东3楼2018-04-27 12:11
        - LAX(w/ Eddie Kingston) defeated World Tag Champions Z&E when Andrew Everett was pinned by Ortiz after the Street Sweeper. LAX then celebrated in the crowd with the titles.
        LAX在Kingston陪同下用Street Sweeper战胜了世界双打冠军ZNE。LAX然后带着双打冠军腰带在观众席中庆祝。

        IP属地:广东4楼2018-04-27 12:12
          - KM out with a mic & says he tried to take Fallah Bahh under his wing. KM is bigger than Impact & they need to rename the company to Kmpact Wrestling. This is all about me. He calls out Fallah one on one. Fallah Bahh pulls out a piece of paper & says bye bye before leaving. KM reads it & it says KM you say you friend bah but you still act bully bah. You still need to grow up bah. You don’t fight I bah. You find standby wrestler bah. Yes or no no no. KM thinks it’s Richard Justice. Here comes Scott Steiner. Scott Steiner defeated KM via the Steiner Recliner.
          KM出场表示自己一直在保护Fallah Bahh,KM并IMPACT更有牌面,固IMPACT应改名为KMPACT。Fallah出场将一张纸塞给了KM,然后离场。纸上写的是一段很奇怪的话,最后的署名是Standby Wrestler。KM以为是Richard Justice就欣然接受了挑战,结果Scott Steiner出场用Steiner Recliner将KM一波带走。

          IP属地:广东5楼2018-04-27 12:12
            - Madison Rayne pinned Taya Valkyrie after a Rayne Drop. Madison grabs the mic afterwards saying it’s exciting to come back home to the Impact Zone. I wasn’t gonna be an in ring competitor but moments are meant to be capitalized upon. Madison has created career moments for herself by beating Tessa Blanchard & now Taya Valkyrie. Impact promised me this afternoon if I beat Taya I’d get one more opportunity to make a moment for myself. A moment for her daughter & every one who has supported me. At Slammiversary I will slay the undead bride & become 6 time Knockouts Champion. Laughter is heard from Su Yung but no one is there. Madison leaves to the back.
            Madison Rayne用Rayne Drop战胜了Taya。
            Madison赛后表示回归IMPACT ZONE就像是回家一样很兴奋。
            高层承诺如果她在这场比赛中战胜TAYA,她将可以在Slammiversary上挑战Su Yung的KO冠军头衔。
            Su Yung的笑声开始响彻整个场馆但是没人看得到她在哪里。

            IP属地:广东6楼2018-04-27 12:13
              - Kongo Kong & Jimmy Jacobs come out to distract Brian Cage during his X-Division Title match against Matt Sydal. Kong sends Cage into the ring steps & Cage is counted out. Sydal retains. Jacobs & Kong celebrate with Sydal. We have a new group.
              Kongo Kong和Jimmy Jacobs出场干扰了Brian Cage和Matt Sydal的X组冠军赛。Kong攻击了Cage使得后者被读秒出局。Sydal继续持有X组冠军头衔。Jacobs和Kong在台上和Sydal一起庆祝胜利,似乎组成了一个新的团体。
              - Dezmond Xavier pinned Petey Williams after a Jocay-le. Afterwards they showed sportsmanship and shook hands. Fantastic match.
              Dezmond Xavier战胜Petey Williams,非常好的比赛。

              IP属地:广东7楼2018-04-27 12:13
                - In a No DQ Match, Tessa Blanchard defeated Keira Hogan after a Full Nelson spun into a face buster on an open chair.
                NO DQ赛
                Tessa Blanchard对Keira Hogan使用了Full Nelson Spun将其面部砸向铁椅后取得胜利。
                - Pentagon Jr. & El Hijo Del Fantasma defeated OVE(w/ Sami Callahan) when Pentagon pinned Jake Crist after a Pentagon Driver. Afterwards Sami attacked Pentagon with the bat & hit Fantasma for good measure. Pentagon went to snap Jake’s arm but was hit by the bat from Sami. Sami beat Pentagon & threatened to unmask him. Fantasma made a delayed save with a chair chasing OVE up the ramp. They ripped Pentagon’s mask slightly but couldn’t get the job done.
                Pentagon Jr和紫面展示了oVe。
                Pentagon对Jake使用了招牌Arm Snap但是再次受到Sami攻击。

                IP属地:广东8楼2018-04-27 12:13

                  IP属地:广东10楼2018-04-27 12:14