我们的家_our_hou...吧 关注:22贴子:158
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IP属地:山东1楼2018-08-14 13:33回复
    T. Davis
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Like Comfort Food...With a BackboneJanuary 25, 2009Format: DVDI "discovered" Wilford Brimley on this excellent TV series (not realizing that I'd seen him before in Absence of Malice, The Natural, The China Syndrome, etc.). Brimley, who plays a retired grandfather of three grandkids, and a rock of wisdom & stability to a widowed daughter-in-law, is all man - a rough, tough, loving and comforting protector of hearth and home. While the rest of the cast is good, especially Deidre Hall, Brimley makes the show. His power and presence hooks you and may take you back to the day when someone was looking out for your best interests.
    This show lasted only two seasons. Why? In this era of 'reality TV' America must want to focus more on fractured or non-existent families than it wants to be reminded of the benefits of close-knit & secure homes. Don't get me wrong. There's no schmaltz or goody-two-shoes here. This show is zero 'preachy'. It's just 5 people trying to deal with the outside world. But it subtly and entertainingly reminds us that a close and loving family is the best of all available options for where and how to safely incubate and cultivate future adults.

    IP属地:山东2楼2018-08-14 13:35
      5.0 out of 5 stars
      WHO DO WE ALL HAVE TO WRITE TO GET "OUR HOUSE" ON DVD?!November 23, 2011Format: DVDI was heartbroken as a kid when this show got canceled! Ok, what is it going to take to get "Our House" out on DVD?? This was an AWESOME show that dealt with real-life issues in families. Deidre Hall was the mom every kid wanted and Gus was the grandfather all kids need TODAY! Please, put the COMPLETE two seasons on DVD!

      IP属地:山东3楼2018-08-14 13:36