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【贴吧情报组】5月25日 两台新车和钢铁长城地图修改


超测服迎来了两台全新的坦克,它们分别是F系5级轻坦AMX 13 (FL 11) 和M系8级反坦XM66F。同时钢铁长城地图也迎来了平衡性改动。

IP属地:辽宁1楼2023-05-26 12:29回复

    This hybrid tank features the hull from the AMX 13 and the FL 11 turret from the Panhard EBR armored car. It is armed with a 75 mm gun that deals 110 HP of damage per shot and is able to penetrate up to 108 mm with the standard shell or 148 mm with its special shell. The dispersion at 100 m is 0.39 m, the aiming time is 2.1 s, and the reload time is 6 s.
    坦克由AMX 13的车体和潘哈德EBR装甲车的FL 11炮塔组成。它配备一门 75 毫米火炮,每次射击可造成 110 HP 伤害,标准炮弹穿深为108 ,特殊炮弹穿深为148 。百米精度0.39,瞄准时间2.1秒,装填时间6秒。
    The vehicle has good mobility characteristics as typical for light tanks. The top forward speeds are 65 km/h forward and 20 km/h in reverse. The specific power is 22.1 h.p./t. The view range is 360 m.
    The hull armor in the frontal projection reaches 50 mm, while the turret frontal armor reaches 40 mm. It has a durability of 500 HP.
    坦克有良好的机动性。最高前进速度为65km/h,后退速度为 20 km/h。视野范围为360m。
    车体正面装甲为50mm,炮塔正面装甲40mm。它的生命值为 500。

    IP属地:辽宁2楼2023-05-26 12:31

      The frontal turret armor reaches up to 230 mm, while the frontal hull armor reaches up to 95 mm. Its durability is 1,300 HP, the top forward speed is 35 km/h, and its specific power is 13.6 h.p./t.
      炮塔正面装甲达到230mm,车体正面装甲为95mm。其生命值为1300,最高前进速度为35 km/h,后退速度为12 km/h。
      The vehicle is armed with a 120 mm gun. It deals 400 HP of damage per shot, with 232 mm of penetration with the standard shell and 276 mm with its special shell. The reload speed is 10 s. The gun has a dispersion of 0.38 at 100 m, an aiming time of 2.3 s, and 10 degrees of gun depression.

      IP属地:辽宁3楼2023-05-26 12:34


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