福尔摩斯吧 关注:80,883贴子:850,856



We open the iron box, and the light of the lantern gleamed upon a collection of gems such as I have read of and thought about when I was a little lad.
這裡的such as,我個人掌握得不是很好,我覺得不是用"which"就行了嗎,such as是什麼特別的玩法。
查了字典,such as 在這裡是“Of the kind specified”的意思,跟舉例的那個such as基本上都是同一個來源。大概就是這麼簡單。
還有一個as such的用法,也是之前比較混亂的文法,這次一併算了解了。

IP属地:江苏33楼2023-08-13 18:19
    There ware one hundred and forty-three diamonds of the first water.
    這裡的the first water差不多是一流光澤的意思,之前沒見過這種用法。
    It was enough to make a man eat his heart out to have to stand the kick and cuff of every petty jack-in-office,to have rice to eat and water to drink,when that gorgeous fortune was ready for him outside,just waiting to be picked up.

    IP属地:江苏34楼2023-08-13 18:31
      I should like to know how many fellows in my shoes would refused a share of this loot when they knew that they would have their throats cut for their pains.
      這句話最後的for their pains,我不是很理解。

      IP属地:江苏35楼2023-08-13 21:31
        谷歌了一下,jack泛指 any generic person,起源是中世紀有五分之一的男人名字都叫John,Jack是John的nickname, 由此而來。
        Historically, John was such a common name in the UK (one fifth of all men were called John during the Middle Ages), that the nickname Jack came to mean any generic person, the man in the street. This resulted in still-common expressions like 'jack of all trades', 'lumberjack' and 'jack the lad'.

        IP属地:江苏36楼2023-08-13 21:35
          今天終於看完最後一章: The strange story of Jonathan Small (2023.08.11-2023.08.14)
          "Schade dass die Natur nur einen Mensch aus dir schuf, Denn zum würdigen Mann war und zum Schelmen der Stoff."
          "Too bad that nature only created one man out of you, because there was material enough for a worthy man and a rogue."
          道出了人的两面性,在Jonathan Small身上也体現得很明顕。Waston在案件中途対Holmes的能力的看法也体現了相似的道理:
          "So swift, silent, and furtive were his movements,like those of a trained bloodhound picking out a scent, that I could not but think what a terrible criminal he would have made had he turned his energy and sagacity against the law instead of exerting them in its defence."

          IP属地:江苏37楼2023-08-14 16:23
            Chapter 12 中的:
            Captain Morstan showed me his name among a list of passengers in one of the mail-boats very shortly afterwards. His uncle had died, leaving him a fortune, and he had left the Army; yet he could stoop to treat five men as he had treated us. Morstan went over to Agra shortly afterwards and found, as we expected, that the treasure was indeed gone.
            這裡的 “yet he could stoop to treat five men as he had treated us.” 這句不太理解甚麼意思。這裏的five men不就是us麼?可能的理解就是這裏的us是他們四個囚犯。他対待他們四人+Captain Morstan就跟他対待他們四人一様,直接背信棄義拋棄他們。

            IP属地:江苏38楼2023-08-14 16:32
              The surgery, where I used to make up my drugs, was next to his sitting-room, with a small window between us.
              之前在chapter 11也看到一個drawing-room
              Miss Morstan, however, was in the drawing-room;so to the drawing-room I went, box in hand, leaving the obliging inspector in the cab.
              Sitting-room: A sitting-room is a more casual room than a drawing-room. It is often used for family activities, such as watching TV or playing games. The furniture in a sitting-room is also more casual, such as sofas and armchairs.
              Drawing-room: A drawing-room is a more formal room than a sitting-room. It is often used for entertaining guests. The furniture in a drawing-room is also more formal, such as sofas and armchairs with matching side tables.
              In the past, the terms "sitting-room" and "drawing-room" were more commonly used in the United Kingdom and other parts of the Commonwealth. However, they are less common today, and the terms "living room" and "family room" are more commonly used.
              Ultimately, the terms "sitting-room" and "drawing-room" are just two different names for the same room. The specific meaning of the terms can vary depending on the country or region.

              IP属地:江苏39楼2023-08-14 16:47
                a hand at cards: means playing card game.
                I shall have to send in my papers. 這句単看的話不一定是這個意思,如果有context的話就比較明確:
                “‘It’s all up, Morstan,’ he was saying as they passed my hut. ‘I shall have to send in my papers. I am a ruined man.’
                send in (one's) papers: To give notice of one's resignation from an organization or place of employment.
                You have not done me a very good turn: You havn't been very kind to me.
                He knew,no doubt, that there was some screw loose,but he was not in our secrets.
                這裡的there was some screw loose,我覚得理解someone be mad/insane差不多,理解成something be weird的話感覚不是很準確。
                I shall be as limp as a rag for a week.
                limp rag: 比較offensive的詞彙,跟中文的廃柴差不多

                IP属地:江苏40楼2023-08-14 17:01
                  今晩趁熱看了 Jeremy Brett 和Peter Cushing的the sign of four, 分別是108分鐘和51分鐘,感覚這两版剛好互補各自沒有的部分。
                  1. 沒有Waston和Miss Morstan的感情綫,即使到最後都沒点出来(這個Cusing版有)
                  2. 沒有開頭部分Holmes無事幹的部分
                  3. 沒有他們在車上聊天的部分(這個Cusing版有)
                  4. 沒有去Bartholomew家門口被守衛擋住的情節(這個Cusing版有)
                  5. 書裡Mr. Morstan是頭撞硬物沒的,剧裡是被Major Sholto掐沒的。总体印象上剧裡比書裡抬高Morstan,貶低了Sholto.
                  6. Watson沒有帯宝箱去Miss Morstan家的情節,変成最後Miss Morstan也在Homles家一起听Small講故事。
                  Cushing版修剪了太多,最後Small基本上没講他的故事,等船情節也很少, 案発現場又暗又沒外景。個人感覚只看這一部会有迷迷糊糊的感覚。而且一直Thaddeus Sholto 居然不是禿頭!最後他還去Miss Morstan家是甚麼鬼,估Waston的情敵嗎,怎麼還加戯了 =_=

                  IP属地:江苏41楼2023-08-15 01:39

                    IP属地:北京43楼2023-08-18 14:16
                      今天看了 A Scandal in Bohemia part 1,第一次出現 Irene Adler 的名字,後来看到国王結婚要拿回相片的情節感覚好像在哪裡看過。原来是S01E01,我以前应該看過84版第一季,不過没甚麼印象了。
                      這裏Holmes跟Waston的談話挺有趣的,特別是Holmes以数台階為例説Waston sees it but does not observe it. 哈哈~

                      IP属地:江苏44楼2023-08-19 15:49
                        這一節也有幾個 idiomatic phrase,
                        You did not tell me that you intended to go into harness.
                        這裡的go into harness 意思是開始工作。 harness是連住馬和車廂的那個挽具。大概是指 A horse goes into harness and is ready to pull a carriage (which is the work of a horse).
                        Hence,you see,my double deduction that you had been out in vile weather,and that you had a particularly malignant boot-slitting specimen of the London slavery.
                        這一句後面的the London slavery,也不算idiom,不過一開始很容易想去甚麼奴隸工去了。這裏理解成 difficult condition of London 之類的好一点。
                        “Not a bit, Doctor. Stay where you are. I am lost without my Boswell. And this promises to be interesting. It would be a pity to miss it.”
                        這句 I am lost without my Boswell,Holmes表達了他対Watson強烈的想念!
                        Boswell is best known for his biography of his friend and older contemporary, the English writer Samuel Johnson, which is commonly said to be the greatest biography written in the English language.
                        Samuel Johnson是一個超級厲害的文学家,他編写過英語詞典,反正很有名。Boswell是Samuel Johnson的好友,而且為他写了他的傳記,使之家喻戶曉。簡單來講Holmes將自己比作Samuel Johonson, 將Waston比作Boswell,強調了華生對他的重要性。

                        IP属地:江苏45楼2023-08-19 16:15
                          “My dear Holmes,” said I, “this is too much. You would certainly have been burned, had you lived a few centuries ago."

                          IP属地:江苏46楼2023-08-19 16:24
                            厉害 词汇量够多的

                            IP属地:天津来自Android客户端47楼2023-09-04 17:59
                              Peter Cushing吗

                              IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端48楼2023-09-04 19:49